The remote desktop session task fails
Check list
- Only one version version of UltraVNC must be installed on the client device : Check the following paths :
- c:\Program Files (x86)\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\
- c:\Program File\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\
- c:\Program Files (x86)\UltraVNC\
- c:\Program Files\UltraVNC\
- Check the following values on your server the web.config configuration (with IIS manager in the application settings menu of the provconnect manager)
- VncUrl : must be the url of this server. The device agent must be able to use this URL to communicate
- VncServerPort : this port must be open on the device client for outgoing connections
- VncIsLocal : must set to true
- Check this page for complete details related to the VNC server side configuration
- Launch the following command on your device client to check if the connection on the VNC Server port is functional :
- powershell.exe Test-NetConnection -port VncServerPort -ComputerName VncUrl -InformationLevel Detailed (replace VncUrl and VncServerPort with the actual values for your configuration)
- The result of thic command will indicate if the tcp connection is successful or no
Ideal configuration on client side
- The ultraVNC Server is installed with the lastest version and with the correct OS architecture version (64 bit installer for 64 bit OS, 32bit installer for 32 bit OS).
- The UltraVncServer port is the port 80, so the VNC connection can go through most professional firewalls.
The remote desktop session task Succeed,but nothing happens
Steps to follow
Refresh your current web page with ctrl+f5
Check that your browser allows the opening of popups for your provconnect manager
right-click again on the device and try again to launch the VNC connection. It may show the connection menu.
Try one of the browser that are heavily tested for this feature (Chrome, Firefox, Edge and internet explorer)
The VNC popup opens, but when I click on Connect, I see an error or nothing happens
Steps to follow
Make sure that only one version version of UltraVNC is installed on the device client
Update to the latest version of UltraVNC Server
Try to use the UltraVNC Mirror Driver