In the Monitor section, there are 3 categories for checking the compliance (these are the data that are related to the network adapters)
- Build Date
- Description
- Type
Multiple Monitors can be installed on a device. You need to choose an application field for your compliance rule
- For at least one screen installed (at least one screen has to be compliant)
- For each screen installed (every screen must be compliant)
- For only one screen installed (only a specific screen has to be compliant)
you need to choose a comparator. For these you have 2 to 5 choices depending on the selected category:
- Between
- Different
- Equal
- greater or equal
- less or equal
you need to enter the values you want to set as your compliance rule
The following properties are textual values
- Description
- Type
Note that when you start entering the value to check, proVconnect automatically suggest you the different values that are already present in the data base. these values are all the values stored in the DB from all the devices that are enrolled in the proVconnect server
You can choose a "*" as a joker character to enter only part of the value. In such a case the compliance will only be chacked on the first values before the * character
The following properties are Date values. A date should be a specific day.
- Build Date
The value may differ according to the Comparator you choose
- With the between comparator
- You can choose on of the following values
- From 1 year to 24 hours before the time of the day. This is a dynamic date check which will be based on the current day currently on the target device.
- A custom date. This is a specific day that you pick from the calendar.
- You can choose on of the following values
- With the other comparators
- A specific date. This is a specific day that you pick from the calendar.
Pointing device
Once you have chose then category, you need to choose the comparator. For these you have 2 choices:
- Different
- Equal
Note that some of the categories could have more than one criteria, so in this case it is possible to select if the comparator applies to one or each criteria
Once you have selected your comparator, you need to enter the values you want to set as your compliance rule
Note that when you start entering the value to check, proVconnect automatically suggest you the different values that are already present in the data base. these values are all the values stored in the DB from all the devices that are enrolled in the proVconnect server
You can choose a "*" as a joker character to enter only part of the value. In such a case the compliance will only be chacked on the first values before the * character
Once you have chose then category, you need to choose the comparator. For these you have 2 choices:
- Different
- Equal
Note that some of the categories could have more than one criteria, so in this case it is possible to select if the comparator applies to one or each criteria
Once you have selected your comparator, you need to enter the values you want to set as your compliance rule
Note that when you start entering the value to check, proVconnect automatically suggest you the different values that are already present in the data base. these values are all the values stored in the DB from all the devices that are enrolled in the proVconnect server
You can choose a "*" as a joker character to enter only part of the value. In such a case the compliance will only be chacked on the first values before the * character
Once you have chose then category, you need to choose the comparator. For these you have 2 choices:
- Different
- Equal
Note that some of the categories could have more than one criteria, so in this case it is possible to select if the comparator applies to one or each criteria
Once you have selected your comparator, you need to enter the values you want to set as your compliance rule
Note that when you start entering the value to check, proVconnect automatically suggest you the different values that are already present in the data base. these values are all the values stored in the DB from all the devices that are enrolled in the proVconnect server
You can choose a "*" as a joker character to enter only part of the value. In such a case the compliance will only be chacked on the first values before the * character
Sound device
Once you have selected your comparator, you need to enter the values you want to set as your compliance rule
Note that when you start entering the value to check, proVconnect automatically suggest you the different values that are already present in the data base. these values are all the values stored in the DB from all the devices that are enrolled in the proVconnect server
You can choose a "*" as a joker character to enter only part of the value. In such a case the compliance will only be chacked on the first values before the * character