User Profiles

User Profiles


he User profiles menu allows you to create customized profiles that you can allocate to users of the proVconnect console.

Different user profiles have different rights to specific features of the software.

You can create as many profiles as possible

Important: Only the users having the Super Administrator profile can Create or Edit User Accounts and User Profiles.

Profile Membership

This section shows you the list of users for each profile.

Clicking on the name, will bring you directly to the profile window you selected and will show you all the details for this specific profile.

Profile list

This list all the profiles set on your proVconnect server. Except for the super Administrator profile, you can modify or delete any profile in this list.

Super Administrator profile

The Super Administrator profile owns every rights on the server, and can’t be further modified. Only user with this profile can access the features about User Management.

Icon description :

:  Full right 

:  Read Only

:  No Right 

: Edit the profile. Click on it will switch the user to the User Profile creation and edition view

: Delete the profile. Note that a profile can only be deleted when it has no members.  

profiles deletion

Make sure all the users of a profile are informed by the deletion of their profile. Once the profile is deleted, they will no longer have access to the server unless you allocate another profile to them.


Other page

Add a user profile

This menu allows you to define the list of features this new profile will have access to

The different choices you can make are:

Name: profile name

Enrolment and licensing section

  • Managing licenses: Gives access to the 
  • Discovering devices:
  • Enrolling devices:

Devices and tasks lists section

  • Editing devices groups:
  • Accessing single device:
  • Editing / publishing tasks:
  • Accessing tasks list:

Server modules section

  • Accessing Monitoring rules:
  • Accessing Automatic policies:
  • Device compliance:
  • Data reporting:
  • Tasks templates:
  • Accessing library's files:
  • Accessing VNC:
  • System notifications:

Server settings section

  • Accessing Notification menu:
  • Managing server settings:
  • Managing users:

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