Device List Settings
Device List Settings
The Device List Settings Tab opens a set of feature whcih will allow you to configure the main device list view of proVconnect.
In this section, you can:
- Add columns displayed on the main screen
- Add filters allowing you to only see the devices you want based on the filter you set
- Save devices lists you need to store and share with other users of the proVconnect console
Add a column
Step 1: click on Add a column and choose the value you want to add from the drop down list.
in the example below we are adding the bios date
Step 2: You can rename the name of the column if you want to give a specific name
then click on Add
Step 3: the column is created, you can reposition it by drag and drop (in this case we have positioned the column between the host name and the MAC address)
Add a Filter
Filter's list
Agent Version | Discovered date | Last Agent information | Last Pulse | Online |
Comments 1 to 5 | Enrollment Date | Last Agent Start Date | MAC Address | Product |
Compliance | IP Address | Last Device Start Date | Maintenance | USB Mass storage |
Device Name | Incidents in progress | Last Inventory | Monitoring Rules Quantity | Write Filter |
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