Commands Queue

Commands Queue


Publishing Tasks

Click Publish (in the Command Queue) to display the Publish Task window.

Set the task parameters section

Enter a descriptive name for the Task. This name will appear in the Device Task board logs.

Choose the type of publication you want:

  • Once: The task will be played once at the time you select in the instant publication menu below
  • Recurrent: The task will be played on recurrently at the frequency you choose below
  • CRON: The task will be played recurrrently based on the CRON expression (you can refer to the CRON expression definition and exemples here)

If you have selected Recurrent as the Type of publication, then you must select

  • The Publication frequency is the frequency (in minutes, hours, days, weeks, month or years) at which you want the task to be played
  • The Occurence validity is the time (in minutes, hours, days, weeks, month or years) after which you want the task NOT to be played after the publication start date

For example if you set a task to be played every minute with an occurence validity of 30 minutes, once the first execution of the task starts, it will play every minute for 30 mminutes.

Once published, the Task is stored in the Recurring Task section of the Library. proVconnect will then automatically create and publish occurrences of the Task according to the defined settings

In the Instant publication section, you choose

  • Yes if you want the task to be executed immadiately after you click on the Publish button. you can then choose a publication stop date.
  • No if you want the task to be published at a specific time. In such case you need to define the date at which you want the task to start playing by entering the date in the Publication start date section

The publication start date is the date and time you want the selected task to start playing

The publication stop date is the date and time at which you want the task to stop playing

  • If left empty, the Task will remain active unit all the agents complete the Task.

  • If a date is defined, the Task will be stopped after the specified date, ensuring no other devices process the Task after the date. If at least one agent did not complete the Task within the execution period, the Task will be marked as Obsolete.

The validity duration is the confirmation of the time during which your task will be valid based on the publication start date and the publication stop date.

When managing units that are not in the same time zone, it can be difficult to determine what time the Task is performed by remote devices. The Expected Execution Date provides the expected completion date based on the device's time zone. Modify the time zone according to the remote device's time zone.

Choose the target devices section

Either you have already selected the devices you want to publish the task on in the device list and the number of devices will be listed in the selected devices

or you have selected a group you want to publish the task on in the device list and the number of devices

or you can select the groups on which you want to publish the task on.

Set option section

You can choose to Wake up targeted devices. If this option is selected then a WoL instruction will be sent to the selected devices. Please refet to the Wake-on-Lan information in the Session & Alimentation section of the Interact page.

You can also choose to Send an email when the task is finished. If this option is selected then you have to choose the email groups you would like to send the mail to once the task is finished. Note that the confirmation email will only be sent once ALL the target devices have executed the task.

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