The Devices List view
The Devices List view
The devices view
- Organize the colums by clicking on the column title and dragging it left or right to where you want to dispose it.
- search and filter devices using the search fields on top of each column. Refer to the Filtering and Searching Devices page
- sort the the values by ascending or descending order
When the computer icon is colored, it indicates that the device is online. If the icon is black and white, it indicates that the device is offline
Column configuration
All the columns are configurable, please refer to the Device List Settings tab to customize the columns. Any inventory information can be displayed in a colums. For the list of information available in the inventory, please refer to the Inventory page.
The right click option on device
If you right click on a device you have the choice of different options:
- Open in new tab: This option opens a new tab displaying ONLY the selected device. This is what we call the one-to-one view and you can see information about this view in the single device view page of this manual.
- Refresh inventory: This will immediately refresh the inventory for the selected device. Note that the inventory is refreshed at each reboot of the client and can be limited in the setting pannels. Reffer to the Settings section of this manual
- Force Check-in: This will force the pulse of the device when the MQTT is working.
- Remote desktop (VNC): clicking this will initiate a remote session into the target device and will allow you to view the screen of the device. Refer to the Remote Control section of this manual. Note that this option is only available of the device is online.
- Wake On LAN: This will send a Wake-on-Lan (WoL) magic packet over the LAN on the network card of the device instructing it to wake up. Note that this is only possible if the WoL feature is activated on the remote device's Bios AND if the network does not block the WoL packets sent by the server to the device. Note that this option is available only when the device is offline.
- Reboot device: This will trigger the reboot of the device. Note that once you have selected this option, the device will go offline and go back online a few minutes later (depending on the speed of the device)
- Shutdown device: This will shut down the device. Note that once you have selected this option, the device will go offline. You will only be able to wake up the device if the WoL feature is available (refer to the Wake On LAN section above)
- Unenroll device: This will unenroll the device. Before using this feature, please read the important information about this and refer to the unenrollment process section of this manual
The options on the device list view
Export options are available in the device list view, you can:
- Reload Grid: This will refresh the device list
- Toggle Search Toolbar: This will hide the search fields on top of each column
- CSV Export: This will export the vue list of devices with all the columns in CSV format
- JSON Export: This will export the vue list of devices with all the columns in JSON format
- XML Export: This will export the vue list of devices with all the columns in CSV format
Note that even if this view page include multiple pages, exporting data will export ALL the data of all the pages
Additionnal options
View options are available in the device list view, you can:
- Scroll pages
- Change the number of devices per page
If a filter is applied on the view, then it will be indicated next to the number of pages
For setting up filters, refer to the Device List Settings page of this manual
View the total number of pages included in the list
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