The Task status view

The Task status view

You can view the status of each task you are planning. This view will include:

  • The publish Date: This is the date and time at which the task was published
  • The Publication: Shows if the task is a scheduled tasks (recurrent or scheduled from a CRON formula)
  • The Task name: This is the task name as it has been defined when publishing the task. refer to the task creation in the publishing task section of this manual
  • The Device Qty: This is the number of device on which the task is published
  • The state: is the status of the task based on its evolution
  • Processing: is the number of devices for which the task is being processed
  • Finished: is the number of devices for which the task has been completed successfuly
  • Failed is the number of devices for which the task has failed completely or partialy
  • Ack is the status of the acknowledgment of the task.  Note that you cannot acknoledge a task if it has not been completed. You can acknoledge the task by right clicking on the task.

The legend

The right click options 

The lower options

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