Publish the Agent Update task


You must follow the guide "Create an Agent Update task" first, before followinf the instructions below

Through a direct publication on the devices

1st step : Find the task in the provconnect library

  • Click on the library icon, and find your task there
  • Click on Load

2nd step : Click on the publish button of the Commands Queue


  • Click on the button will open the publication view

3rd step : Fill up the publication view and publish

  • Click on publish once the target devices are selected and the Publication stop date is set
  • That's all, your devices will be updated as soon as they receive the task

We recommend to extend the Publication stop date, the that the validity duration on the task is more than one Day. Some devices may be off for one day, but still needs to be updated

If you want to publish the update task on selected devices, you need to select them before on the Devices List