Install and uninstall software with proVconnect

Install and uninstall software with proVconnect

Installing software

Step 1: select the install app menu

for installing software with proVconnect, you need to go to "manage applications" sub menu in the "image management" main menu of the command list

Step 2: define where the installer is located

You then need to select where the application is stored. you have to options

  1. Upload from the library: in this case you need to previously upload the application file (exe or msi) in the library, then select this option and look for the file in the library
  2. Upload from a network path: you need to specify where the exe or msi file is located

Option 1: Upload from the library

option 2: Upload from a network path

Step 3: enter the right silent mode parameters

This step is critical to make sure that the application will install in silent mode and will not require local user to validate. it is necessary to check with the application editor what are the right silent mode parameters. 

Silent mode parameters can be case sensitive. a particular attention needs to be required in entering these parameters.

Some application need to also be installed with a config file. in this case, it it necesseary to preceed the installation command by an upload config file command

exemple 1: 

exemple 2

Step 4: publish the task on the selected devices

Uninstalling software

Step 1: Open the uninstall menu:

Two options for accessing the uninstall software menus:

  1. select the install app menu

  2. Right click on the application from the application list in the device inventory

Option 1: select the install app menu and start typing the name of the application

option 2: Right click on the application from the application list in the device inventory

  • double click on the selected device, go to the system information in the monitor menu and type the slected application, right click on it and select "unistall"

Step 2: enter the silent parameters for uninstalling the application

This step is critical to make sure that the application will uninstall in silent mode and will not require local user to validate. it is necessary to check with the application editor what are the right silent mode parameters for uninstalling. 

Silent mode parameters can be case sensitive. a particular attention needs to be required in entering these parameters.

Option 1: using the uninstalled application menu

option 2: In some cases, the unistall of the application can be done with a simple command containing all parameters

Step 4: publish the task on the selected devices

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