proVconnect next steps - customer presentation

proVconnect next steps - customer presentation

Features released version 2.28

Custom fields

  • Making more easy to sort devices

This will allow IT administrators to create any number of custom fields that can be associated to devices. It is a great way to add specific information such as the end of waranty date, the purchasing date, upload the copy of the purchase invoice etc...

You can create different types of fields: Date, texte, numerical, true/false or file

GDPR on proViewer

  • Secure who can remote session without pre-autorisation

tags in the enrolment view

  • Making enrolment more easy

This new feature makes it possible to enter tags when installing the agent. Hence when the device appears in the enrolment view, it is more easy to store it in the right folder. you can also create a scenario to automatically move devices into groups depending on the tag value.

Windows Explorer

  • No need to do a remote session

This new feature will help all IT administrators navigate the remote Windows files and folders just like if they were in front of the device and without troubling the user of the device. No need to launch a remote connection to the end point anymore to be able to explore it.

Easily explore files and folders on remote devices

With a simple right click on the selected device you will be able to navigate within folders and upload or download files while the user can continue to work without interuption.

More granluarity in grouping by OS

Open API available

This API allows to automaticaly create and populate the custom fields.

For example, it is possible for a local executable to collect specific information on the device or a peripheral (software or driver version, peripherial serial number etc..) and automatically feed the data into custom fields so you can see the data next to the device.

The documentation for this API is available on demand

Features to come soon

Agent customisation generation

  • This will help you in generating agents for new customers directly from the proVconnect server. It will be much more easy to create your custom agents that will only long on your server.


Installed apps

  • A much more easy view on the list of application installed in your devices. with the possibility to search on multiple columns, you can more easily find the devices that contains the application you are looking for.

Rationalisation of the commands menu

  • This is part of our UX rework. in future versions you will be able to simply type keywords associated to the command you wnt and it will suggest the appropriate commands.

globalisation of the breadcrumb

  • This is part of our UX rework. you ill soon be able to selet specific groups and see the dashbord related to that scecific group. This should come mid-feb 2023. at a later stage all the menus will be related to the group you selected on top.

Android integration

  • Expected end march - April

This is a great new feature we are working on with the possibility to enroll and manage android devices. you will be able to manage all you GMS compliant Android devices just the same way you are managing your Windows devices.