proVconnect Server upgrade

proVconnect Server upgrade

Check requirements before upgrade proVconnect → Server requirements

Once you have the files downloaded, we can begin the upgrade process.

Windows directory

  1. To start the upgrade, double click on WanPulse_proVconnect.Management.Server.Upgrader_2.28.5.217.exe and the first screen will open.


  1. Next

License agreement

  1. Agree

Main configuration

This screen may not be displayed if the DNS configuration is already correct.

Remember that you need your own certificate for the DNS you use ! 

  1. Set the DNS you currently use to access the proVconnect console
  2. Next

Instant Synchronization configuration

This screen may not be displayed if the Instant Synchronization configuration is already applicable to the upgrade.

  1. Keep using embedded service
  2. Next

Ready to upgrade

  1. Verify configuration
  2. Install



Your own DNS will be displayed instead of wpdemo.provconnect.net

  1. You can click on the link for opening a browser on your proVconnect instance
  2. Finish

Open instance in browser 

  • Open your favorite browser and write your own dns in the url address bar
  • Remember to update the certificate to use your own if needed → [How-to] Update certificates
  • Enjoy !

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