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Detailed Feature List - EN

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Basic features



Supported Devices - Native

  • PC, Thin clients, Tablets, laptops, POS, kiosks, digital signage, intelligent systems (IoT)
  • Embeded devices (black boxes, embedded PCs etc…)
  • Attached peripherals (depending on the peripheral - integration work may be needed)

Supported Devices - with custom integration

  • Peripherals or specific features (IoT): humidity sensor, accelerometer etc…

Interface with the IT systems

  • webservices development
  • interface with the Ticketing systems (through email inbounds format) or through a custom API

Supported client OS

  • Windows: XP, 7, 8, 10 (embedded or not so including POS ready)
  • Linux (Ubuntu, centos, redhat, Fedora, Mac OS etc…)
  • Android (end 2019)
  • iOS (2020)

Architecture - communication and Security

Agent- .net framework 2.0 for old OS (XP); .net framwork 4.6 (win7 and above); .net Core (Linux and Mac OS)
- RAM Load: 7 to 25MB
- Pulse: a few kb
- Pulse frequency: configurable but the broker MQTT allows immediate pulse so pulse can be set at 1 hour or more without any impact of the reactivity (30 seconds)
- Remote Update
- Native management of the Windows write filters (for embedded OS including IoT)
Server (Manager)- Supported OS: Windows 2012 R2 and above
- VM supported
- .net framework 4.6
- MS IIS 7  and above (Internet Information service)
- Data Base : Microsoft SQL server
- Hosting: SaaS or On premise
- Supported languages: French and english (possible other languages on demand)
- Web based system
Communication- single direction from agent to server (no listening mode)
- Security (certificate required)
- Communication port: https
- See attached graph (on prem, all ports can be configured)
Security- SSL certificate authentification (agent - server)
- Self signed certificated managed but not recommanded - Remote control impossible with self signed certificate
- TLS1.2 between agent and server (if no XP devices managed and exclusive use of .net 4.6 and .net Core agents)
Device lock-down- Centralised critical features lock-down through proVlocker (restrict access to specific apps, to control pannels, to the system of the device etc...)
- Restrict access to specified disks and partitions
- Very simple lock down solution - no need for active directory and complex GPO scripting)
- USB lockdown or restrict access to mass-storage devices (or only allows read-only)
Authentification- Local accounts
- Active Directory


Inventory - Hardware
(automatic collection, stored on the sql and always uptodate); refresh at each reboot or at the defined frequency
- HDD (total size, free size, manufacturer, model, smart status, serial number)
- RAM (total size, free size, type, nb of slots)
- Partition (letter name, volume name, total size, free size, file system)
- Bios (serial number, manufacturer, model, version, date)
- Motherboard (Manufacturer, Model, Serial number)
- Network cards (Name, Mac address)
- Processor (Type, speed, nb of cores)
- Video card (Name, Chpset, Memory, Resolution)
- Monitor (serial number, description, legend? type)
- Sound devices (Manufacturer, name, description)
- Port connector (type, interface)
- Controlers (manufacturer, caption, Description, Name)
- Peripherals (Opos: Name, port used , driver, status)
Inventory - Software
(automatic collection, stored on the sql and always uptodate); refresh at each reboot ar at the defined frequency
- OS Name
- Service Packs
- OS Fixes (installed KB)
- Installed applications (Name, Publisher, instal date, version)
Inventory - System
(automatic collection, stored on the sql and always uptodate); refresh at each reboot ar at the defined frequency
- Host name
- IP address
- Process
- services
- Last contact to the server
Inventory - Custom- Get specific information through the dynamic tags (can be a battery level, a peripheral status, an accelerometer value, a powershell script value or any command result, the content of a file, a registry key presence or value etc…)


Grouping / device organisation- Static groups (drag and drop manually)
- 7 levels of subgroups
- OU inherit from the AD
- Dynamic groups (based on the selected inventory value: manufacturer, processor type, processor core number, OS type, OS architecture, presence of an application, custom script or WMI command result etc…)


Remote tasks- Software distribution (install or remove applications)
- Install complex packages built with package builder (pre and post install scripts etc…)
- Task planning (specific date and time, recurence etc…)
- Cron task planing
- Execution of commands (custom or in the command list)
- Complete OS management: change registry keys, start and stop services, create partitions, launch commands or scripts, launch or kill applications
- complete device configuration: keyboard, mouse, display, network, proxy, NTP, time zone, Hostname, Domain, environment variables)
- Device security configuration: Windows account, pasword changes, USB lock down, certificate deployment
- Device interaction: send popup messages, request remote autorisation from POS user; auto launch application (full screen, replace shell etc..), launch commands, switch screen ON or OFF, reboot or restart device, turn OFF or turn ON (via WoL)
- Install apps (slient mode or not via our package builder), remove apps, deploy files (any file or script anywhere in the remote device) retreive files (log files or standard files)
- All commands executed silently and with admin rights
File transfer- Direct with https
- Distributed download (if activated): torrent technology
- Transfer possible in both ways (push / pull)


Automatic incident detection and resolution


Monitoring: Automatic incident detection

- Hardware alerts (temperature, HD smart status etc…)
- Software alerts (process, services etc…)
- System alerts (registry key change or existance etc..)
- Security alerts (antivirus, firewall,  etc…)
- Health alerts (RAM overconsumption, CPU overload, low free space on disk)
- Custom alerts (on a script result or WMI command for example)
- Custom alters based on plugins (fan speed, voltage drops, humidity sensor, accelerometer etc...)
Alerts type- Email
- Visualized on the main console
Monitoring: Automatic incident resolution (preventive maintenance)- Automatic corrective task execution (no need for human intervention)
- remediation tasks customizable (restart or kill process or service, clean temp files, backup launched based on an event, reactivate firewall, etc...)
- No trafic with the console. The agent automatically runs the maintenance task that has been pre-loaded with the monitoring rule
- Drastic decrease of level 1 supports (thousands of calls avoided)
- Very quick ROI
- Stop unwanted processes
- Delete unwanted files (AVI or mpeg files in a specific folder for example)
Peripheral status monitoring

Printers, cash drawer, line display etc.. (natively or by custom dev)


Compliance checking principle- Create and customize compliance profiles (hardware, sofware, system)
- Check and follow compliance of the end points in realtime
- Be alerted when a device is not compliant anymore
- Get global compliance on the dashboard
Device compliance- Computer (Manufacturer, Model, serial number)
- Bios (date, manufacturer, model, serial number, version)
- Mother board (Manufacturer, Model, serial number)
- Processor (Architecture, cores quandtity, Frequency, Manufacturer, Model)
Hard Disk and cards compliance- Network (adapter name, dhcp, dns, dns auto, Domain, Gateway, IP status, Mac Addrss, NetMAsk, Network address, Secondary DNS, Setting ID, speed)
- Memory (RAM total size, Ram size Ram type)
- Disk (description, manufacturer, Model, Name, Size, Status, Type, Total size)
- Partition (File system, free space, letter, size, Type, volume name)
- Video card (Chipset, memory, model, resolution Serial number)
Peripherals compliance- Monitor (build date, description, type)
- Pointing device (Description, interface, manufacturer, Model, Type)
- Keyboard (caption, description, type)
- Printer (driver, model, port, ready)
- Sound device (Manufacturer, model)
Software and operating system compliance- installed applications (date, description, name, publisher, version)
- Installed QFEs (description, hotfix number, installed by, installed date)
- Operating system (Architecture, Build number, Information, Name, Product identifier)
- Device security (Antispyware, Antivirus, Auto-update, Firewall, Internet settings, UAC control)
Manager Configuration compliance- Device group (static group)
- Monitoring rule (Monitoring rules and incidents)
- Static and automatic tags values (all tags values and contents)

Automatic configuration (Staging)

Automatic policies / automatic configuration principle- Automatic configuration of the device based on defined criteria
- Help for deployment of the devices, reduce configuration errors, increase deployment efficiency
- drastically reduce Logistics costs
- Automatic staging
- Garanties compliance of the device (erases any customisation mistakes)
Automatic policies options- If a device joins a group then: play a predefined task (refer to "remote tasks" section in this document) or apply a monitoring rule (refer to "monitoring" in this document)
- if an inventory data of the device is equal or contains, does not contain, different from, starts with, does not start with, ends with or does not end with, then: move ito a group or  play a predefined task (refer to "remote tasks" section in this document) or apply a monitoring rule (refer to "monitoring" in this document)
- Automatic policies can also be applied as soon as a device is enroled (zero touch configuration)

Health and Security

Health & security principle- All status are updated in real time
- Information stored on the server so available even for offline devices
Device Health- Used disk space
- Average CPU consumption
- Average RAM consumption
Device Security- Antispyware status
- Antivirus status
- Auto-update status
- Firewall status
- Internet settings status
- UAC control status

Remote Control

Remote session control- Based on Ultra VNC
- Reverse process (no need to have a listening port open)
- Secure SSL stream from device to server
- Secure websocket from admin consolte to the server
- Complete control over the session routing (no external server used for the repeater like in products such as Teamviewer)


Reporting and data exports- Reporting on all inventory data and task results (deployment, task results etc..)
- Any inventory data can be displayed on the main console - full customization
- Reporting formats (CSV, Jason, XML, Webservices)

Plugins extensions

Plugin designs and developments- Plugin development for custom feature
- Based on API or SDK, possibility to develop additionnal monitoring features (accelerometer, special electronic card data, humidity sensor, paper presence in printer, voltage drops, raid controlers, etc…)
- Our development team will develop plugins based on specifications


Other- Very network bandwidth efficient (pulse on demand) -  MQTT broker allows the trigger of the pulse on demand and therefore to set the default pulse with long delays and therefore drastically low default network load.
- Possibility to control the bandwidth used during a deployment (QoS and peer to peer)
- Supports management of 20 000+ devices
- Modular solution (through plugins)
- Plug & play: very simple to use, very low training required
- Very reactive software vendor (we can develop a specific plugin in a few weeks and we can assist the customer in creating scripts or collecting specific data for reporting)
- Multi-user access to the console (with different level of administrator rights - on features and on groups of devices)
- Application audited by ANSSI and in compliance with their recommandations
- Very clear roadmap: patch management, remote imaging, security audit (open ports, TLS1.2, admin rights);
- Complete control of the source codes
- 100% made in France
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