How to prepare your Kiosk or POS for peripherals monitoring with proVconnect

The system integrator or the software designor of the kiosk should make peripherals information available in the format specified below for proVconnect to be able to monotor these.

the content of the json files below are indicative, the system integrator can add or remove any field.

The number of peripherals to menitor is also indicative, if the system integrator is adding new peripherals a new json file can be created for that new peripheral.

the proVconnect agent will monitor the values in the json files. Any information that is not collected in the json file will not be monitored

customer must fill the values in red if the customer needs to add or remove criterias, he can by simply foloowing the same json file design patern

All json files should be placed in the same folder "peripherals"

the "peripherals" folder should be placed in the proVconnect agent's folder

One more important information, we have to make sure that it is understood, is that it is possible that the file is locked when it is altered, so if 2 events form the same peripheral arrive at the same time, it will be necessary to serialize them so both events are written on the file one after the other so we do not end up with one event missed because the first event has locked the file while writing on it preventing the second event to be inserted in the file.

Custom / Epson Printer



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel: string,

PaperPresence : bool

PaperNearEnd : bool

DefaultStatus : bool

CoverStatus : {open, close},

CutNumber : string,

msg : string,


Honeywell / Datalogic 2D scanner



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel : string,

msg : string,


5217CK‐Mini RFID reader



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel : string,

msg : string,


ARH Combo Smart passport scanner



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel : string,

msg : string,


Custom A6 / Coges ticket scanner



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel : string,

DefaultStatus : {Ok, Error}

msg : string,


Card dispenser



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel : string,

DefaultStatus : {Ok, Error}

CardPresence : bool

msg : string,


Ingenico / Verifone / Worldline / Pax payment card reader



SerialNumber : string,

Model : string,

Firmware : string,

Reference : string,

ConnectionStatus : {Ok, Error},

Usagelevel : string,

DefaultStatus : {Ok, Error}

TransactionNumber : string,

msg : string,
