Windows Agent deployment with GPO

Windows Agent deployment with GPO

AD deployment of the provconnect agent

AD requirements

target devices must be present in OU.

GPO creation in the Group Policy Management

We make a new GPO « InstallAgentProv » applied on the OU that contains the target devices

It is crucial that Security Filtering allows the installation on devices, and not on named users.
The group « Authenticated Users » contains user groups and devices, so it's a convenient group to use for the task

GPO details

There is two distinct actions :

  • the agent file deployment
  • the execution of a .bat file to install the agent

Agent file installer deployment

You need to add an action in  Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Files.
the setup path must be a network path
The installation path is up to the administrator, but he must use the same path in the script .bat at step number 2.

Checkboxes must be unchecked

In the common tab, check « Apply once and do not reapply ».

This is the final result for the step 1

Installation script .bat

We need to create a new action in the GPO in Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) > Startup

  • At first, we need to create a .bat file in the startup scripts folder. Just click on show files to have access to this folder

  • Then, in the folder that just opens, create the file  « deployAgent.bat» whith the following code
set installer=c:\proVconnectDeviceAgent_x.xx.xx.xx.exe

IF EXIST %installer% start /WAIT "" %installer% /S /WPSERVER=myserveraddress /WPHTTPPORT=443
IF EXIST %installer% del %installer% /Q

Things to pay attention

  • /WPSERVER=myserveraddress needs to be replaced by the server address of your server. it must be a server name, and not an ip address
  • make sure that the installer path match the chosen path in the step number 1

Once done, you need to apply this script to the GPO by choosing the script like on the screenshot below

Expected behavior of the GPO

At start, the device will install the agent if it was never installed before

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