File Transfer

File Transfer

The file transfer menu will give you the means to set the data transfer speed between the agents and the server and between the server and the agents. This allows you to give the priority to your application over the bandwidth used by the end point.

In this section, you have the following choices:

  • Enable distributed transfer: This allows you to enable the "peer-to-peer" feature between agents. Once acivated, if you are transfering a file from the server to multiple devices on a remote LAN, then all the proVconnect agents on the remote LAN will download the file on a "peer-to-peer" way. This way, instead of sending the same file as many times as there are agents, the file will only be sent once and all agents will work together to redistribute parts of the file between each other.
  • Transmit speed limit: The maximum speed limit in KB/s that the agent will send data to the server
  • Receive speed limit: The maximum speed limit in KB/s that the agent will receive data from the server

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