List of user profiles right

List of user profiles right

Enrollment and Licensing

Managing licenses

Enable  the Licenses View for the user  -  Disable  the Licenses View for the user

Discovering devices

Enable  the  Discover View for the use  -  Disable  the  Discover View for the user

Enrolling devices

Enable the Enrollment View for the user -  Disable  the  Enrollment View for the user

Devices and Tasks List

Editing devices groups

Enable a user to create, rename and delete existing devices group.  It also allows a user the possibility to check the details of a group and change the organization of the devices group tree by moving a group inside another one

Every action on the devices group tree are forbidden. Only clicking on a group to display its devices is allowed

Editing/publishing tasks

Enable a user to create and publish task from the devices list view

The user will only be able to execute task from the single view of a device. He won’t be able to create any tasks or templates

Accessing tasks list

Enable the following features on published tasks : Reload Task, Reload device From Task, Stop/Resume Task, Delete Task, Acknowledge Task.

Enable only to View a task details and commands for every published tasks.

Server Features

Accessing monitoring rules

Gives access to all the monitoring panel with the full rights

Gives access to the incident management menu only

Removes all access to the monitoring rules and the incident management menu. Also hides the Monitoring incident icon from the menu list

Accessing automatic policies

Enable access to the automatic policies panel with the full rights

Enable access to the automatic policies panel in read only mode

Disable all access to the automatic policies panel

Data reporting

Enable the user to use the reporting panel, but also the quick export features of the devices list, the tasks and commands lists and the incident list

Disable all the reporting and the quick export features

Tasks templates

Allows the user to create templates, and gives full rights on them

The user can’t create or edit templates, but is still able to load them and publish them on the devices

The user can’t create, load or view any task templates

Accesssing libraries files

Enable access to the downloads and uploads menus in the library panel

Remove the access to the downloads and uploads menus in the library panel

Accessing VNC

Enable the ability to execute a remote desktop session from the server to an enrolled device

Disable the remote desktop session feature from the devices list and the device single view

System notifications

Activate the Activity Weekly Report and the Certificate Expiration Notification by email

Disable the Activity Weekly Report and the Certificate Expiration Notification by email

Server Settings

Accessing Notification menu

Enable the access to the Notification Menu

Disable the access to the Notification Menu

Managing server settings

Enable the access to the personalize, settings and purge menu from the settings panel

Disable the access to the personalize, settings and purge menu from the settings panel

Managing Users

Administrator ONLY :

Gives access to the user menu and the user profile menu from the settings panel

Removes the access to the user menu and the user profile menu from the settings panel

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