Commands List

Commands List


Task Programming & Planning

Being able to execute tasks is the heart of the proVconnect management

One of the mainstream capabilities all management software needs to possess is the ability to send a single command or a series of commands to devices instructing them to perform certain tasks - be they simple or complex in nature. proVconnect is fully equipped to issue these commands and to track their status. The functions, commands and command queues that can be constructed within proVconnect can be saved as tasks that can be used in isolation or as recurring tasks intended to deliver actions on a repetitive basis.

Tasks can be simple affairs, such as asking a series of devices to change their display wallpaper, or they can be slightly more involved, such as joining a domain. Tasks can also be highly detailed, such as running scripts to install applications.

The administrator chooses commands from the Available Commands tab, located on the left of the main Device Listing display. The Available Commands tab is activated when the mouse is hovered over the tab area and consists of a number of top-level functional areas, each with several commands.

you can access the task planning module by clicking on the command List tab on the left of the console

the different commands are grouped by type

Programming, planning and publishing tasks

Programming, planning and publishing tasks with proVconnect requires to follow a few steps: 

first select the commands you want to execute, define the way you want to execute it (which order of execution, when and which frequency) then publish it and monitor the progress and result.

Step 1: Select each command in the command list by clicking on the section and selecting the command

Step 2: Configure the command(s) you need to execute and click on "Add To Queue"

Step 3: once all the commands have been selected and configured, go to the commands queue tab and reorganize the order in which you want them to be executed on the end point.

you can the publish the task or save it into the library

Note that you can link 2 commands, linking 2 commands allows to condition the execution of the second command on the result of the previous command

Step 4: define the publishing parameters

Step 5: publish the task and vusualize the progress

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