



The messaging command is used to send a popup message on the device's screen. this allows to cmmunicate with the users.

Note that you can define the message to be a question. In that case, you could link the next command with this question in order to pass on the decision of the execution of the next command to the remote user.

You can set the display time of the message or the question. if it is a question and the question does not get an answer after the display time, then the next command will be automatically executed.

For example, the question could be: " Dear user of this end point, we are need to update your application and this requires a reboot. can we proceed now ?"  if you link the question command to the next command, then if the user says NO, the next command will not be executed, and if he says YES, then the next command will be executed. 

Launch Application

The launch Application command is used to launch an executable on the remote device. so any executable present on the target system can be launched with this command.

You can include additionnal parmateres to the command if this is needed. Additionnal parameters are for example: XXXXXXXXX

For example you can launch the calc, or word etc...

Launch Command

The Launch Command command is used for launching ANY command interpreted by the system.

So you can use this command for doind a ping, a traceroute, etc... but you can also use this command to create a partition, change a registry key etc...

You can include a timeout so the command is automatically stopped if there are no answer and does not get stuck in processing mode hence blocking the execution of the next command.

You can also choose the execute the command in the user context. If this option is not selected, then the command will be executed in Administrator context (The agent has all administrator's rights)

Example 1: Disable\Enable windows update

Disable windows update

In order to disable completely windows update, you can set the windows service Windows update(wuauserv) with the following command: Command text : sc stop "wuauserv"

Enable windows update

In order to enable back windows update, you can set the windows service Windows update(wuauserv) with the following command: Command text : sc start "wuauserv"

Example 2: Set User Active Hours [Windows 10]

WIth WIndows 10, you can set a range of time of 12 hours maximum to define the user active hours on your device. During that time, windows update is not allowed to force or ask a device update. 

1 ) Set the start hour for the current user : reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" /v ActiveHoursEnd /t REG_DWORD /d 12 /f   (/d between 1 and 24)

2) Set the end hour for the current user : reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" /v ActiveHoursStart /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f  (/d between 1 and 24)

3) Enable the active hour feature for the current user : reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" /v IsActiveHoursEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

4) Save the task in your library to later use : this 3 commands task will set the Active hours time from 12 pm to 1 am.

Session & Alimentation

Session & Alimentation command is used to insert a session and device management command in your tasks. options are:

  • Turn On Screen: Will switch on the screens of the selected end points
  • Turn Off Screen: Will switch off the screens of the selected end points
  • Log off user: This will log off the user's session
  • Reboot computer: Reboots the selected end points
  • Power off computer: Will power off all the selected devices (for example an automatig power off programmed every night will allows to save a lot of energy)
  • Wake up computer: This will send a Wake-on-Lan (WoL) magic packet over the LAN on the network card of the device instructing it to wake up. Note that this is only possible if the WoL feature is activated on the remote device's Bios AND if the network does not block the WoL packets sent by the server to the device.


the Friendly Name field allows you to give a specific name for the command so you can find it easily

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