Single device view (one-to-one)

Single device view (one-to-one)


Launching the single device view

By double clicking on a device from the main proVconnect console (device view), you are able to display the details of that specific device in a separate window.

The Single device view

As you can see on the left side of this new window, you are able to access a list of commands that is similar to the command list on the main console. The difference with the main console is that any command played within this window is played on this device only and played immediately.

This "one-to-one" view is practical when you have to do an action on one device without doing a remote connection. Aside from commands interacting with the local tray (display a message, launch an application etc...) most commands are executed silently. so you can install an application, launch a command, push or retreive a file etc... without interupting the user's work.

The accessible commands

All the commands accessible from the console in the command list are accessible in the single device list view.

Unlike from the main proVconnect console (one-to-many) you cannot "chain" commands and you cannot "plan" command to be executed at a specified time. This view allows you to only execute single commands immediately on the device.

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