Health and security

Health and security


The ProVConnect Device Agent, when executing an inventory command, will gather data about its Health and security, and then send the data back to the server. Those data are displayed on the device list in a friendly user way and gives information to the administrators for all his devices’ health and security.

It is also possible to monitor those properties in order to engage preemptive actions in case of non-conform devices following administrators’ requirements in terms of health and security. Monitoring the Health and security of the device will also give much more accurate data over time.

Device Health Data

The Health data are displayed with colored squared shaped icons.

 Used Disk Space the free space on the system disk

 Average CPU Consumption a mean of the CPU consumption (over 1 min of activity) 

 Average RAM Consumption : a mean of the RAM consumption (over 1 min of activity)

 Smart Status : The smart status of the system disk

Important : The frequency of the update of this data is according to the frequency of the following Health Monitoring Rule (15 min per default).

Devices List display:

   : Property considered as healthy (< 50% or smart Status OK)

 : Property considered non healthy (<= 80% or smart Status OK)

  : Property in a critical state (>80%)

   : Property Not Monitored

Device Security Data

The Security data are displayed with colored rounded shaped icons. They come from the windows security center.

In order for third party security solutions (antivirus, antimalware, or antispyware) to be compliant with Windows… they are required to register themselves with Security Center and report any subsequent status changes. Only in this case the ProVConnect Device Agent will recognize these third party security solutions in the security data.

Antispyware Enabled if the device has an active Antispyware 

Antivirus Enabled if the device has an active Antivirus

Auto-Update : Enabled if the device has an active Auto-Update

Firewall Enabled if the device has an active Firewall

Internet Settings Enabled if the device has an active Internet Settings

 UAC Control : Enabled if the device has an active UAC Control


Important : The frequency of the update of this data is according to the frequency of the following Health Monitoring Rule.

  :  Property Enabled 

 :  Property Disabled

 :  Property Not Monitored

Health Monitoring Rule

Load this rule on your devices will allows frequent updates of the Health data on the Devices List. See the section regarding Monitoring Rules for explanations about this feature.

good practices :

  • Adjust the polling Frequency to your need. If you need real-time data, you can set the polling frequency to 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Adapt the values of the condition trigger to what is most critical for your devices.
  • Use an automatic policy to deploy the rule on your devices

Note : As this is a rule with extra features, it can’t be deleted.

Security Monitoring Rule

Load this rule on your devices will allows frequent updates of the security data on the Devices List. See the section regarding Monitoring Rules for explanations about this feature.

good practices :

  • Adapt the values of the condition trigger to what is most critical for your devices. For example, you might want to trigger an alert only when Antivirus is Disable.
  • Use an automatic policy to deploy the rule on your devices.

Note : As this is a rule with extra function, it can’t be deleted.

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